Jan 5, 2022
“My Name Is Sheba,” is the twice monthly fictional story of iconic jazz/R&B artist, Sheba Hawkins, a young artist, who created a musical masterpiece. An album that sounds like the iconic records that become the soundtracks of our lives. Except, this one never saw the light of day—until now. In this story, her music’s finally being unearthed like buried treasure.
“My Name Is Sheba” is written around the original music from the album of the same name, by singer/songwriter Kandace Springs. We suggest starting with episode one, and following along.
For more behind the scenes info on the creators of the music and the story, visit mynameissheba.com. And if you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, leave a five-star rating, and tell a friend.
Check out Kandace's music on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you stream music.
More info:
“My Name Is Sheba” is a product of Subplay Creative.